The week's blogger is my favorite when it comes to the 4-1-1 on black movies. She has a discriminating eye and her points are always spot on. Like it or not, she tells it like it is about black cinema.
I've been reading her blog for several months; probably since its inception and I love the content. But, when she went live with her current blog design, I was completely blown away. Perhaps it's because I'm such a Pam Grier fan, I don't know, but I haven't seen a blog design that tops hers. It so fits the flavor of the blog. Anyhoo, presenting this week's Blogger in the Spotlight…Invisible Woman.
Invisible Woman
Blog: Invisible Woman.....Black Cinema At LARGE
1. When did you start blogging? June 2007
2. Why did you become a blogger? I was tired of the under representation of Black Hollywood in the mainstream media, as well as the reviews I would read about Black Cinema by non-black critics. There were the same black actors and directors shown over and over again.
3. What do you hope to accomplish through your blog?
I want to give exposure to black films, actors, directors, festivals, and situations the public at large wouldn't always ordinarily know about. I want people to come in and have dialogues about how they feel about the state of Black Hollywood and it's by-products.
4. Which blogging platform do you use? Blogger, tho I am currently looking at other options.
5. Mac or PC? PC....I am definitely eventually going to Mac tho, but every time I go to the Apple Store I cringe at the day I'll just bite the bullet!
6. How many hours per day do you spend on your blog? It depends....if I'm just doing a short diss, not that long....if it requires actual thought, pictures, and research, maybe a couple hours. One time tho, I tried to do one post for 4 hours, and Blogger would mess it up over and over! One of the main reasons I'm looking for a new platform.
7. How frequently do you post to your blog? I usually post about 5 times a week, one or two posts per day. I used to do a lot more, but it was too time consuming.
8. How many hours per day do you spend reading other blogs? Waaaaay too much time. I love reading other peoples views on things, and I am always finding information that I had no idea's very stimulating. Also, there are quite a few bloggers out there who are just 100% hilarious, and I love to laugh!
9. What's your best blogging experience? I just love knowing that there are like-minded folks out there all over the country...before I started blogging I was getting discouraged in my little part of the world. It is becoming quite an impressive community, with a lot of positivity and solidarity amongst the bloggers.
10. What's your worst blogging experience? Ugh. I agree with what Shelia was saying a couple of weeks ago....a major, very high profile blog linked to a post I did (that I did not even write by the way, it was a repost) and it brought in some very hateful, racist people and comments. It is quite disturbing and disheartening to know there are people walking around with these horrible mindsets.
11. Why do you think there are not more black bloggers? Ya know, I think there are plenty, and more on the way....there are a ton of black blogs out there that I am aware of and haven't gotten to yet, cause I am so saturated by the ones I already read.
12. How would you go about increasing the number of black bloggers? I don't really see that as something that is a problem or an issue....but that's just my humble opinion.
13. What's your favorite color?'s the rediscovered girly in me.
14. What's the last book that you read? I'm gonna be honest and not try to be all impressive...."Lemony Snicket and A Series Of Unfortunate Events" (book 2). I had to go thru a couple of stress inducing situations recently, and I think reading that was the escapist equivalent to sucking my thumb, haha.
15. Who's your favorite author? Hmmmm....hard to choose, but if I had to choose one on a desert island I guess I would say Langston Hughes. Non-black would be David Sedaris.
16. What's your favorite type of music? I love all music, but my very favorite by far is 70's Soul.
17. What famous person, living or dead, would you like to have a conversation with? That's funny cause my girlfriends and I would do this thing about our dead boyfriends (not as morbid as it sounds) and mine was Malcolm X. Boy, would I love to hear what he had to say.
18. Who are three of your favorite bloggers? You mean besides you? lol! I have so very many, but I want to give a special shout out there to the strong, intelligent black females blogging (no disrespect, guys) that just put so much of themselves out there; it's very brave...PurpleZoe from UltravioletUnderground, MsMarvalous from Opinionated Black Woman, Chocl8t from the Chocl8t Diaries, AJ from OveranalyzeIt. Danielle from Not Your Average Citizen, Regina from Regina's Family Seasons who leaves so much goodwill on everyone's blog.....I can go on all day about so many amazing women.
I also love The Black Actor Blog; we are very much in the same mindset about Black Hollywood and it's shenanigans.
19. What one piece of advice would you give to new bloggers? Please, if you are gonna blog, please post regularly. There are several blogs that I discovered and really dug, and then they post like once every two's frustrating and kind of a turnoff. If that's what you need to do, just let your readers know...something like "Hey, I'm only gonna post 3 times bi-weekly" or something like that.
Also, the music thing blasting from the blog? Not good. Sometimes I am cruising around the internets in the middle of the night and somebody's blog music will come blasting out cause I forgot to scares the beejesus out of me! Put up a widget if you want to share your musical tastes, and let the reader decide to click on.
20. What don't we know about you that we should know? Let's see....I'm invisible and anonymous, so I don't think there's anything! :-)
Thanks, IW!
Davey D, tell us how you really feel about Bob Johnson
The Hypocrisy of BET's Bob Johnson's Obama Smears
By Davey D, Davey D's Hip-Hop Corner. Posted January 24, 2008.
Bob Johnson should leave politics to someone else.
Former BET president and founder Bob Johnson is an asshole and hypocrite. Lemme not pull punches, be politically correct, beat around the bush or try to impress high-brow readers who feel I should be less crass and gentler with my words so I can appeal to their sensibilities. It's 2008 and unfortunately being nice and proper doesn't quite get the message across, especially when it comes to Bob Johnson and his recent disparaging remarks about presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama.
For those who don't know what I'm talking about, I'm referring to Johnson getting onstage to introduce Sen. Hillary Clinton at a rally and expressing outrage about Obama's past. He said, "Barack Obama was doing something in the neighborhood. I won't say what he was doing, but he said it in his book."
It was a cheap shot -- referencing Obama's drug use when he was a young man. This was an activity that Obama freely admitted to in his memoirs Dreams From My Father, and on some level I can see it being fair game, but coming from a guy like Johnson, that's like former President Bill Clinton giving marital advice to Halle Berry's former husband and admitted sex addict Eric Bonet. I heard Johnson make these remarks, and I was like, "Negro, go back into your cave; please sit down and leave the politics to someone else." [More…]
Posted on Friday, January 25, 2008 at 07:06 PM in Activism, Commentary, Current Affairs, Politics | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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